+ How can Trinity/HPSI get us better pricing than we can get on our own?
Instead of your prices being based upon the purchasing power of a single organization, our vendor agreements are backed by the combined purchasing power of thousands of member organizations across the country. Our members access the entire multibillion-dollar group buying power of Trinity/HPSI and pay much less for goods and services from trusted vendors.
Specific to Foodservice - The pricing for Trinity/HPSI members with nearly all of our foodservice vendor partners is computed on the basis of the distributor’s “laid-in” cost (their actual purchase cost plus freight to their local warehouse) plus the margin specified in the HPSI agreement. Additionally, more than 100 manufacturers have agreed to provide substantial discounts and/or rebates on many items to Trinity/HPSI members, reducing your costs even further. Not only do we lock in low margins (or cost mark-ups), you get to access a large portfolio of manufacturer deviations throughout the distributor's inventory!